

| Szerző: Klárcsii | 10:54 am

Tényleg, valóban itthon? Nem vagyok benne biztos, egyáltalán. Tény, itt vagyok a családommal, a házunkban, most 1 hétig. But the feeling... I don't feel home at all. (Sorry for the English language, but I have to practice it!) On Friday we talked about it with Koszti. About what? The fact is that we live, we spend most of our time in Budapest. But originally we are not from Budapest, and MCC is just our permanent address. But we feel home there. Do we have 2 homes or not any?

Slowly a feeling grew up in my mind (especially in the last 2 days): my home is next to my love, who is now in Budapest. And that'sn why I'm homesick now. It wasn't the best idea to come home for 6 days! Jesus, I haven't spent more than 3 days at home in the last term! 

But I will survive!  :) Don't give up! And learn!

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